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Everything posted by mfryer

  1. Well .002 miles per hour is not really worth the effort. But the cool factor is a different subject altogether. I will give it some thought. But in the meantime I would like to stick to the plans, at least for now....
  2. Any particular reason, aside from aesthetics?
  3. More progress.... My seat belts arrived from ACS and I test fitted the front set. I fabricated the step (big mistake, I should have just bought one from Gozy Girrrls). Torsional layups on the main gear, and started to work on the landing brake.... http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  4. Understood. Except for how someone can measure and cuts foam to .001 precision!
  5. What is with the foam spacer between the fuse bottom and the nose gear cover? I do not recall that in the plans?
  6. Oh yes, the old days. When all we had to worry about as a nation was who was zipfronging who's kasapershnill.
  7. I am about at the stage where I will be installing the landing brake. I was considering using an electric actuator, can you provide some info on the system you are using?
  8. I hope lots of people find it in them to head up to Arlington. I plan to check it out this summer.
  9. dont you just love it when parts arrive?
  10. Well, the elf and I did some more work this weekend and completed the headrest assembly. More details are on my website. Also today I installed the seatbelt reenforcements. I will update the site tomorrow with progress on those. http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  11. I just purchased my Long-EZ main gear strut from Featherlite. They supplied me with the following price list.... LE price list 8-1-05.doc
  12. Chapter 6 is complete!! http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
  13. I have to give credit to my brother who used the force (photoshop). Also to Mick Duckt N7XR who also uses the force.
  14. Feather Lite shipped me my bow for about $50 +/- FedEX. I actually had to chase the driver around town a little to get it because she missed me at home. The bow was wrapped in cardboard and plastic. It fit in the back seat of my Hyundia.
  15. I am not sure how one could make one, but most of us purchase a manufactured gear strut from Feather Lite you can contact them at fthrlite@pacific.net.
  16. I cannot think of any really good reason why you shouldn't do as you suggest. However gluing up the spruce bits is such an easy part of the build, I don't see any advantage in doing that.
  17. !!Where did you say these potatoes came from?!!
  18. This seems like a little to narrow to be flying a Long-EZ.....
  19. Just remember to keep 8 inches bottle to throttle. You wouldn't want that bottle getting in the way.
  20. Yesterday I glassed the right side of the fuselage exterior. Unfortunately I discovered that I did not have enough UNI to finish the left side. I feel a little lucky though that I discovered this fact before I was halfway through the layup on that side. I peel plied the centerline overlap area and I will finish glassing the outside when I have enough UNI.
  21. What he said. I would love to provide you with some advise but my name is mud on this subject. Just be sure you don't make the same mistakes I did. See my latest posts at http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com to see my mistake.
  22. mfryer


    what file do you need perhaps we can help...
  23. I tend to agree, but I wonder, if the proximety of the hole to the side might alow a crack that could cause further weakening. Still I think I will keep them, I will however make frequent inspections of these.
  24. Ok, I decided to go ahead and trim the landing gear brackets and bid pad to allow for installation of the engine mount extrusion. This was a feat that was pretty easy only because I happen to be in the possession of my brothers Fein tool. My primary concern at this stage is if the top bolts are now to close to the edge of the aluminum bracket. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. http://flyingbackward.blogspot.com/ Flying Backward
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