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Posts posted by scottieshea

  1. Greetings all!


    Anyone in the greater Tidewater area building a composite canard? I know that the EAA Chapters would be hip to this knowledge, however, I figure that this can't hurt. Also, I know that there are at least 3 Long-EZ's flying in the area, and probably more that I am unaware of, but is there anyone that I can throw (give) gas money to for a couple laps in the pattern?


    I just got plans and while I won't be able to start my build for a little while, I'd like to see how well these fly and handle. Since I can't afford a RV-4 or RV-8, this is the next best thing (if nothing else, economically WAY better)


    Thanks again and I hope to have some sort of report at some point with the local pilots!



  2. Greetings,

    I'm new here, first time blogger,long time reader.... I am Scott, I'm in the Navy stationed near Norfolk, VA. I just purchased a set on Long EZ plans on eBay, and planning on starting the build next summer (school is priority, I'm active duty, and married) so unfortunately the pecking order follows.

    I know that I plan to purchase the Eureka CNC Roncz Canard, wings, and winglets, I don't mind shelling out a little extra if they are as great quality as I've heard, and I don't think I'd call it a comprimize by doing that!

    I also just joined the EAA, and I'll be looking to join one of the 3 local EAA chapters too.

    So I guess this makes me a complex-endorsed, instrument-rated private pilot with plans, but not building.....no catagory there!

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